Brazil, Strike, Level 3: Air traffic control strikes at multiple airports from 9 October – Brazil

2023-10-04: Employees of the state-owned air navigation service provider NAV Brasil announced they would go on strike starting Monday (9 October). This could lead to severe restrictions at at least 23 airports in the country. Among others, the airports in Guarulhos, Santos Dumont and Viracopos would be affected. During the first week of the strike, work is to be suspended for one hour each day, and from 16 to 21 October, strikes would last two hours each day (between 7 am and 8 am and between 6 pm and 7 pm).
In case of a strike, major air traffic disruptions are to be expected. Delays and flight cancellations are likely. Before and after official strike hours, disruptions are also possible due to organisational reasons. Passengers are advised to contact their airline or tour operator about the current flight status in advance to their journey to the airport and to schedule additional time for their journey.