Palestinian Territories, Demonstration / Riot, Level 3: Unrest and security operations linked to Hamas attack on Israel – West Bank, Palestinian Territories [Update 72]

Update 2023-11-28 (2): According to the sources from Tuesday night (28 November, local time), at least one security official died, during the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Border officials, demolished the home of a terrorist in the village of Deir Ammar, near Modi’in, the operation led to clashes with protesters. In addition, several Palestinians were also killed by the Israeli forces on Tuesday (28 November) in the West Bank during clashes that ensued when the security forces attempted to arrest several suspects, while armed clashes erupted between the Israeli forces and Palestinian resistance fighters in Jenin, including at least one Palestinian was injured following gunfire by Israeli forces in Al-Arroub refugee camp, south of Hebron in the West Bank.
AFP, Jordan NewsThe Jerusalem Post


Update 2023-11-28 (1): According to reports, several Palestinians were injured during clashes with Israeli security forces in Kafr Ein near Ramallah on Tuesday (28 November). During further clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in the Dheisheh camp near Bethlehem, several further Palestinians were injured on Tuesday (28 November) as well. Live gunfire was reported during both incidents. During the incident in Dheisheh, Israeli security forces also used tear gas and sound bombs and arrested several Palestinians.