France, Strike, Level 3: Strike by air traffic controllers from 17 to 19 December – France [Update 1]

Update 2023-12-14: The strike affects individual air traffic control branches throughout the country. At least 30% of flights are to be cancelled at Paris-Orly Airport and at least 50% at Brest-Bretagne Airport.
The airports of Lille, Poitiers-Biard, Saint-Yan, Rouen and Lyon Saint-Exupéry are also expected to be affected by the strike.

2023-12-14: Several unions have called on DSNA air traffic controllers to go on strike. This is to last from Sunday evening (17 December, local time) until Tuesday morning (19 December, local time). According to reports, the airports in Paris airspace (LFFF) will be affected by the strike.
In case of a strike, major air traffic disruptions are to be expected. Delays and flight cancellations are likely. Before and after official strike hours, disruptions are also possible due to organisational reasons. Passengers are advised to contact their airline or tour operator about the current flight status in advance to their journey to the airport and to schedule additional time for their journey.